libera/##covid-19/ Saturday, 2023-10-28

BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: A new Covid variant has become dominant amid slow uptake of the updated shots →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: (translated) Coronavirus: LibGuides: COVID Impacts: Immune Dysfunction →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: LibGuides: COVID Impacts: Home →
BrainstormNew from This Week In Virology: TWiV 1056: Clinical update with Dr. Daniel Griffin: In his weekly clinical update, Dr. Griffin discusses health worker–perceived working conditions and symptoms of poor mental health, Mpox neutralizing antibodies at 6 months from mpox infection or MVA-BN vaccination, newborn and early infant outcomes [... want %more?] →
darsieMy brother is sick and has a weakly positive quick test.12:24
darsie38.2 C13:30
ublxhas he had covid before, darsie?13:37
BrainstormNew from Retraction Watch: Weekend reads: UK shadow chancellor accused of plagiarism; eLife editor fired; Elsevier editor resigns because publisher ignored likely paper mill [... want %more?] →
darsieublx: yes, and 3-4 vaxxines14:21
BrainstormNew from Contagion Live: This Week's Top 5: In this week's news, CDC sent out a health advisory to change the prescribing recommendations for the newer preventative respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) monoclonal antibody; A clinician discusses the ongoing challenges presented with critical ill patients and the timing and [... want %more?] →
ublxrecovered well last time, i hope? and for this time too14:28
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: US shifting COVID antivirals to commercial market on Nov. 1 →
darsieYes, recovered well.14:47
BrainstormNew from Marc Veldhoen on Mastodon: (translated) (news): For the "gene therapy" whiners: everything our immune system recognizes is an antigen, including these vaccines. The comparison between weakened virus vaccines and RNA or DNA vaccines is entirely correct, with the difference that the latter are not suitable for [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from BMJ Open: Host, parasite and drug determinants of clinical outcomes following treatment of visceral leishmaniasis: a protocol for individual participant data meta-analysis: Introduction Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a parasitic disease with an estimated 30 000 new cases occurring annually. There is an [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Resurgence of SARS-CoV-2 Delta after Omicron variant superinfection in an immunocompromised pediatric patient →
LjLplease no19:50
LjLwhy did they treat them with remdesivir rather than paxlovid or even molnupiravir19:52
LjLalso are monoclonal antibodies completely out of the equation now19:53
LjLconsidering the patient died, remdesivir was probably not enough...19:53
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: New evidence confirms COVID-19 vaccines are overwhelmingly safe →

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