libera/##covid-19/ Friday, 2023-10-13

BrainstormNew from The Lancet (Online): [Comment] Scientific advisory councils in the COVID-19 response: Timely and impartial scientific advice to governments and citizens based on the best available evidence has been an essential part of the collective response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Bringing [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Politico: Israel has lost my sympathy, says Croatia’s president: Zoran Milanović also pledges to lower EU and NATO flags in his office because they shouldn't be on the same level as the Croatian one. →
LjLwe REALLY should have gone slower - and continue to go slow - with expanding the EU04:17
LjLdo we want an american^W EU civil war along the way?04:18
LjLCroatia probably isn't even ready to join parts of itself04:18
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: (translated) Coronavirus: How technically sound and trustworthy is this article, which links the excess mortality in recent years to the Covid19 vaccination? →ürdig_ist/08:48
BrainstormNew from Marc Veldhoen on Mastodon: (news): This selection of our own immune cells, the same way as after an infection, is what is achieved with a vaccine. It is nothing more, and does nothing else (no immune function issues!!). The only effect is memory cells that will protect you. What is not to like? →
BrainstormNew from Marc Veldhoen on Mastodon: (news): Activation status and cytokine production is higher in these monocytes. →
BrainstormNew from StatNews: First Opinion: Opinion: Yes, everyone should get an updated Covid-19 vaccine →
BrainstormNew from EMA: Human medicine assessment reports: (news): Human medicines European public assessment report (EPAR): Xevudy, sotrovimab, COVID-19 virus infection, Date of authorisation: 17/12/2021, Revision: 11, Status: Authorised →
BrainstormNew from BMJ: Sharp Scratch episode 93: Baptism of fire: In this episode of Sharp Scratch we talk about all the daunting and worrying feelings that come with starting out as a new doctor. We consider the challenges that arise when first beginning work, and how it can feel like a huge step up from studying medicine at [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from PubMed: Alexander Mischnik: Dynamics of immunity over time: decline of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies and T-cell responses after mRNA vaccination in residents and health care workers in nursing homes and homes with assisted living support →
BrainstormNew from Contagion Live: us: Novel Intranasal COVID-19 Vaccine Induces Humoral and Cellular Immunity →
BrainstormNew from ECDC: Data on testing for COVID-19 by week and country: Data in multiple file formats with information about testing volume for COVID-19, sorted by week and country, and updated on a weekly basis. →
BrainstormNew from BMJ: GPs can refer patients with low back pain to apps, says NICE: GPs can offer patients with non-specific low back pain access to digital apps to help them self-manage their condition and reduce pressure on NHS services, say draft recommendations from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from ECDC: Communicable disease threats report, 8-14 October 2023, week 41: This issue of the ECDC Communicable Disease Threats Report (CDTR) covers the period 8-14 October 2023 and includes updates on hepatitis A, influenza A(H5N1), COVID-19, the Rugby World [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from EMA: What's new: PIP: Opinion/decision on a Paediatric investigation plan (PIP): Imvanex,Modified Vaccinia Ankara - Bavarian Nordic virus (smallpox), decision type: , therapeutic area: , PIP number: P/0539/2022 →
BrainstormNew from EMA: What's new: PIP: Opinion/decision on a Paediatric investigation plan (PIP): Jcovden (previously COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen),COVID-19 vaccine (Ad26.COV2-S (recombinant)), decision type: , therapeutic area: , PIP number: P/0542/2022 →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Operation Warp Speed: The Untold Story of the COVID-19 Vaccine →
BrainstormNew from WebMD: One Month Later: Where Are the Pediatric COVID Vaccines?: Since the the CDC recommended the COVID vaccine on Sept. 12, legions of parents are still searching for doses, especially for their youngest children, and are growing increasingly frustrated. →
BrainstormNew from Eric Topol on Mastodon: (news): The SARS-CoV-2 HV.1 variant is now the one showing most growth advantage in the US (New CDC data today). It is close to XBB.1.5, the target of the new booster; the graphic below shows differences for a few spike mutations. →
BrainstormNew from Eric Topol on Mastodon: (news): On the new Science Friday,  I spoke with Ira Flatow on the exciting new directions that Covid vaccines have taken us, well beyond infectious diseases. And a nasal vaccine vs 3 pathogens (mumps, measles and Covid)! →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: SARS-CoV2 mRNA-vaccination-induced immunological memory in human non-lymphoid and lymphoid tissues →
BrainstormNew from Contagion Live: us: Analyzing The Efficacy of 1 Dose of a RSV Vaccine for Seniors Over 2 Seasons →
BrainstormNew from Il Sole 24 Ore: (translated) Covid is no longer scary, risk of escape from vaccines: injections for very few so far: The vaccination campaign started a few days ago but only a few thousand have been administered. Meanwhile, infections are decreasing [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Paxlovid may reduce the chance of long Covid. Why don’t doctors prescribe it more? →

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