libera/##covid-19/ Sunday, 2023-05-07

BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Update on the COVID-19 situation in Canada – May 5, 2023 →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Disease experts warn White House of potential for omicron-like wave of illness →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronaVirus_2019_nCoV: Unraveling Long COVID's Causes and Impacts →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Northampton Co. High in N.C. dismissing early due to high number of COVID-19 cases →
BrainstormNew from Outbreak News Today: Paraguay: ‘The chikungunya epidemic is decreasing significantly’: NewsDesk @bactiman63 The report from the General Directorate of Health Surveillance indicates that, in the last three weeks of 2023, a total of 5,235 cases of chikungunya, 663 [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from r/Science: science: Twelve people with persistent neurological symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 infection were intensely studied and found to have differences in their immune cell profiles and autonomic dysfunction. These data inform future studies to help explain persistent [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Case report: Acute hepatitis in neonates with COVID-19 during the Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant wave: a report of four cases →
BrainstormNew from This Week In Virology: TWiV 1005: COVID T vax and a virus from the blue: TWiV reveals plankton-infecting relatives of herpesviruses in the sunlit oceans, and a vaccine encoding non-spike T cell antigens that protects animals from severe SARS-CoV-2 infection. →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Deep Phenotyping of Neurologic Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Daily Discussion Thread | May 07, 2023: Please refer to our Wiki for more information on COVID-19 and our sub. You can find answers to frequently asked questions in our FAQ , where there is valuable information such as our: →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronaVirus_2019_nCoV: Northampton Co. High in N.C. dismissing early due to high number of COVID-19 cases →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: COVID-19 mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine immunogenicity among children with a history of paediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome temporally associated with COVID-19 (PIMS-TS) →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): nCoV: Global COVID Cases For 07MAY23 →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Gunhild Alvik Nyborg (@GANyborg): Those of you who still claim @longcovid is a disease of the mind only: please search the literature. This scoping review of cellular&molecular biomarkers of LC found 239 molecules/cells that were differentially expressed in LC individuals vs control groups [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Gunhild Alvik Nyborg (@GANyborg): “We grouped candidate biomarkers by the type of molecule or cell, in order to facilitate their description. Our groups include immune cells, immunoglobulins, cytokines & chemokines, complement molecules, cluster of differentiation (CD) molecules, lectins, [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: A prospective, randomized, open-label trial of early versus late povidone-iodine gargling in patients with COVID-19 →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Evaluating COVID-19 vaccination intentions and vaccine hesitancy among parents of children with autism spectrum disorder →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): nCoV: 1860 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1288 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection - Real Science | 07MAY23 →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Tulio de Oliveira (@Tuliodna): Our newsletter covers a lot of very exciting news, including the opening of the biggest genomics facility in Africa, CLIMADE,  a new global consortium on climate and epidemics, the launch of the WHO IPSN and a very intensive Genomics Training [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Tulio de Oliveira (@Tuliodna): Find out how Africa can protect the whole world from epidemics & pandemics -  Simply by maintaining and strengthening the already good scientific infrastructure for genomics surveillance - →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Is Covid really over? WHO’s announcement sounds more like surrender than victory →
BrainstormNew from Outbreak News Today: DRC Cholera: more than 300 cases including 11 deaths notified in 2 weeks in Lubumbashi: NewsDesk @bactiman63 A total of 329 new cases of the cholera epidemic including 11 deaths were recorded in two weeks in two health [... want %more?] →

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