libera/#neo900/ Wednesday, 2019-08-07

houkimesorry, was a bit deep in both IPC and IRL absolutely crazy stuff.11:36
houkimeJoerg-Neo900, ok, so, vapor-phase soldering.11:37
houkimeJoerg-Neo900, soldering is not the only purpose of the courtyard, it is also about positioning accuracy of PnP and ease of repair (where cool soldering methods are not always availible).11:39
houkimeI made myself a quick memo from all IPC I've read11:40
houkimenow to make missing courtyards.11:40
houkimewow, it seems like 2 LED controllers are actually one of the hardest components in the whole v2.19:26
houkime0.5 mm pitch BGA, and 6x6 balls, meaning likely 2 layer breakout with very small vias19:27
houkimei actually consulted Xilinx design guide on BGA breakout, and for such a thing it calls for 3/3 traces and 0.1 via hole diameter.19:28
houkimehowever i compared this to a CPU and it is also .5 pitch19:29
houkimeso this kind of thing is needed no matter what.19:29
houkimethe only problem is that not every ocb manufacturer is able to make 0.1mm holes19:30
houkimeok, will just do what metacollin did on LOWER and place microvias and necked traces19:37
houkimehowever for CPU later this will imply stacked microvias.19:38
houkimebug in schematics - on keyboard scanner chip unconnected rows or columns should be pulled up via resistor to vcc.21:51
houkimefor LED controller - there is actually an up-regulating internal LDO but it seems to be not used and pins for related components unconnected. Most probably intentional, made a note in sch.21:57
DocScrutinizer05we operate LEDs from Vbatt, no? So no charge pump needed for the LEDs we got there22:04
DocScrutinizer05there is a note in schematics22:04
houkimeDocScrutinizer05, yeah, 3.5V. That's why i though it is intentional.22:05
DocScrutinizer05about LED 7 8 9 iirc22:05
houkimein keyboard scanner there another bug. IRQ is active low but it is not pulled up22:05
DocScrutinizer05check if the pullup is in CPU or chip22:06
houkimeit might be pulled up on bb-xm but idk how to check that22:06
houkimeprobably in the bb-xm somewhere22:06
houkimewill check the docks22:06
DocScrutinizer05search for beagleboard-xM schematics22:06
houkimeit seems like this IRQ is connected to pin AG4 in processor which is mmc data pin 2. Seems like a random choice22:21
houkimeprocessor on bb-xm has only 3 or so actual interrupt pins22:21
houkime+ GPIOs that can be used as interrupts22:22
houkimebut if one uses GPIO as an interrupt one probably wants to provide a pullup22:22
houkimeneed to check how this is supposed to work.22:23
Joerg-Neo900CPU has no internal pullups?22:25
houkimeJoerg-Neo900, for real interrupts there probably are. For GPIOs made into interrupts - don't know yet.22:26
Joerg-Neo900I'm pretty sure each HPIO has optional weak pullup, maybe even strong pullup and weaj and strong pulldown22:27
Joerg-Neo900some pullup mandatory for "open collector" mode22:28
Joerg-Neo900btw the "IRW" from LED controller is pretty much useless22:28
Joerg-Neo900needed pnly foer *very* special gimmicks that never were used or done in N90022:29
Joerg-Neo900like syncing audio to LED patterns22:30
Joerg-Neo900another "funny" detail: with N900 LP5523 "IRQ" you *may* fry the CPU22:31
Joerg-Neo900when you program LP5523 to output VDD there which is VBATT22:32
houkimeIRQ going to strange places problem is not about LED controller but about keyboard controller - TCA841822:44
houkimeIt goes to "13A" on v2 board, which is pin 13 on the main expansion header22:46
houkimewhich goes to AG422:46
Joerg-Neo900kbd controller is special, we planned to use the TPS65951 IIRC22:46
houkime*pin 13 on the 28-pin unit of main expansion header.22:47
houkimeIt may be that AG4 is in GPIO mode and MUX is set to 422:53
houkimedocs say that MUX selection is independent for each pin so it is kinda cool22:54
houkimeIf so that will be GPIO_13422:55
houkimewhich indeed can be used as interrupt provided that it has a pullup22:56
houkimewhich might be internal22:57
houkimechecked DM3730 CPU docs. there are both pullups and pulldowns on GPIO23:02
houkimehowever, unused rows on TCA8418 still need to be pulled up.23:03
houkimewill add some.23:04

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