libera/#maemo/ Wednesday, 2019-06-26

xmnSo it looks there is in fact a magnet for the keyboard!00:35
xmnIt's on the screen side and basically above the P key.00:36
xmnIt's pretty small though. and doesn't look like it would fall out, but kinda of hard to check.00:37
DocScrutinizer05>><sicelo> haha, now i remember - forgot to do mkswap << yeah, swap also needs "formatting" now, this is "new"00:51
DocScrutinizer05sorry for bot missing. Will be back soon , I didn't notice :-S00:55
DocScrutinizer05another 2 some minutes until next watchdog ping, then bot reboot and hopefully bot returns instantly00:56
DocScrutinizer05my watchdog job didn't run00:57
xmnFor those interested, I've marked where the magnet possibly for the keyboard is.
DocScrutinizer05it's between "i" and "O" on kbd, and magnet on display slider backside00:58
xmnWas able to try your cmd sixwheeledbeast now with the keyboard close. via ssh00:58
DocScrutinizer05hallswitch under I O keys00:58
xmnDocScrutinizer05: I guess I should say for US keyboard :D00:58
xmnoh, I guess close enough ..lol00:59
xmnwhat the hallswitch?00:59
DocScrutinizer05pretty much above 3rd key from right, a tad towards 4th key01:01
DocScrutinizer05the black little critter withing the white domesheet01:02
xmnI think I see that.01:02
infobotIt's great to be back!01:04
infobotfrom memory, sucker is something you shouldn't tell in public01:04
* infobot starts crying and hides from docscrutinizer05 in the darkest corner of the room. :(01:05
xmnSo this a chip that interacts with the magnet to check for the keyboard state01:05
DocScrutinizer05yes, a hall sensor01:05
DocScrutinizer05wikipwedia will know01:05
DocScrutinizer05the electronic /solid-state version of a Reed switch01:07
xmnhehe, thx man. More than I already knew.01:07
DocScrutinizer05it simply checks for magnetic field01:07
xmngot yah01:07
xmnso I guess I may need to check if this has fallen off. Which means I may need to take apart my current working n900 :(01:08
DocScrutinizer05sorry couldn't help but had to brag with my knowledge and my fine pictures in Neo900-exploded gallery ;-D01:09
xmnit's all help .... ish :p01:09
DocScrutinizer05there has to be a tiny magnet in that bay you found baqckside of display slide. If it's missing, it fell off and prolly got lost (unless it cought hold somewhere else in N90001:10
xmnthe bigger question is how to test for hardware vs software to track down this issue.01:10
xmnit seem to small and inset to just fall off though.01:11
DocScrutinizer05you can use whatever magnet you find to trigger the hall sensor and make N900m thing slide is open01:11
DocScrutinizer05*make N900 think*, even01:11
xmnyeah that what I figured, just tried it in a few place around where we said. But still says open01:12
DocScrutinizer05wait, it says "open"?01:12
DocScrutinizer05without magnet it should say "slide closed"01:13
xmncat /sys/devices/platform/gpio-switch/slide/state; done01:13
xmnbeen using this from sixwheeledbeast, to tell if it's open are close via SW01:13
xmnSo I login via ssh, and tested it with the device open, close, with magnet and without. all said open.01:14
DocScrutinizer05that's not nice. either the magent got stuck on hall sensor (please check!), or the hall sensor is defect01:15
xmnso in your opinion, this can't be software related? Like these type of bugs,
DocScrutinizer05IroN900:~# watch cat /sys/devices/platform/gpio-switch/slide/state01:16
DocScrutinizer05maemo-leste? sorry no idea01:17
DocScrutinizer05all is possible I guess01:17
xmnyeah, I hear yah01:17
DocScrutinizer05I'm not doing debugging or help for leste01:17
xmnmany thing of course overlap01:17
xmnbut I get yah01:18
xmnam I to try that cmd you posted?01:18
xmnoh, nm that an irc thing :)01:18
DocScrutinizer05I need a working phone, and as I understand it leste doesn't even _plan_ to ever achieve that state on N90001:21
DocScrutinizer05that command watch checks every 2 seconds per default the reply from inner command (cat  /sys/devices/platform/gpio-switch/slide/state)01:23
xmnah, okay can give it a try. thx01:24
DocScrutinizer05       watch - execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen01:24
DocScrutinizer05       watch [-bdehpvtx] [-n seconds] [--beep] [--differences[=cumulative]] [--errexit] [--exec] [--help] [--interval=seconds] [--no-title] [--precise] [--version] command01:24
xmncool tool01:26
KotCzarnycould it be that you broke something when you were fixing the other magnet?07:35
KotCzarnywere you doing some experiments?07:35
xmnnot really I haven't taken this one apart yet. And the fix was just outer back side really.07:38
xmnbut I feel like I've tried everything. so I trying to back it up and then will take it apart to check the freaken mag :(07:38
KotCzarnytry to remember if it started to happen randomly or coincided with some event07:39
xmnyeah, unfortunately I only remember that it happen when I wanted to type with out the HW keyboard, so restarted and then the fun began :(07:42
KotCzarnyif you dont have many things on, you can also try backup and full reflash07:43
xmnI wish I could turn off the battery status on backupmenu root console it's make it very hard to work with.07:43
xmnyup that's the plain well the last one. It's pretty full. Still my day driver.07:44
sixwheeledbeastSwitch state should be the same as the keyboard state so closed for closed and open for open.18:39
sixwheeledbeastUse usual terminal jobs commands to exit eg Ctrl+C18:39
infobotbeasttweaks is probably

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